A Comprehensive Guide to Laser Facial Treatments (2024)

Once upon a time, the only solution to aging skin was going under the knife. In recent years, though, now something as simple as a laser can erase the look of fine lines and wrinkles, diminish dark sports and hyperpigmentation, or tighten and lift your complexion.

"Lasers can work in various ways to resurface the skin and address specific skin concerns," Dr. Michele Green, a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist in NYC, tells Town and Country. "Many popular laser treatments are non-ablative, meaning that they do not remove the epidermis or outer layer of skin—instead, they create controlled, precise injuries into the dermis or middle layer of the skin to stimulate collagen production and the growth of new skin cells."

There are many different kinds of lasers on the market, and as Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, a board-certified dermatologist in La Jolla, California, points out, "it can be quite overwhelming for consumers" to decide on the best option for your skin concern or type. To help with your research, Dr. Green and Dr. Shirazi broke down everything you need to know about all the best facial laser treatments, how much you can expect to pay, and how long results will last.

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  • Fraxel Dual Laser
  • Thermage
  • Clear and Brilliant
  • Vbeam
  • Halo Laser
  • Vivace
  • CO2 Laser
  • Alex TriVantage
  • IPL (Intense Pulse Light)
  • Alexandrite, Diode, or Nd:YAG

Fraxel Dual Laser

What it is:

One of the most popular treatments on the market, the Fraxel Dual Laser is a non-ablative laser that creates columns of micro-injuries in the skin to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and increase collagen production. "The light energy employed during treatment is fractionated, meaning that a fraction of the skin within the area is treated," explains Dr. Green. "This allows for faster recovery times as the area where the energy does not penetrate the skin is unharmed."

What it treats:

The Fraxel Dual Laser can treat anything from pigmentation, age spots and sun damage, to fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and acne scars. "Overall, the Fraxel can improve skin tone and texture within days of treatment," adds Dr. Green, noting that it can be performed on the face, neck, chest, arms, and other areas of the body.

Possible side effects:

Dr. Green says there are few side effects associated with the treatment. After a session, redness and swelling can be expected for 48 hours. Skin peeling can be expected sometimes, and there is potential for hyperpigmentation, scarring, or infection on rare occasions.

How long do results last:

If you stay out of the sun after treatment, the results are permanent.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, a single session of the face can cost around $1,500.


What it is:

Thermage is a non-invasive skin-tightening laser that uses radiofrequency technology to boost collagen and elastin production. "The Thermage laser delivers heat energy to the dermis to remodel existing collagen and stimulate new collagen production, resulting in lifted and tightened skin," explains Dr. Green. Only one treatment session is required to produce maximum results.

Dr. Green also notes there is a newer version of the treatment, called Thermage FLX, "which allows for more precision of the radiofrequency energy and uses a wider treatment tip, leading to greater heating of the dermis and increased skin rejuvenation."

What it treats:

Thermage can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, jowls, and crepey skin, as well as cellulite. In addition to being used on the face, the treatment can also be performed on the chest, hands, knees, buttocks, arms, and legs.

Possible side effects:

Some individuals may experience redness in the treated area for a couple of hours following the treatment, but there are generally no side effects or downtime associated with Thermage.

How long do results last:

According to Dr. Green, results are visible three to five months after treatment as new collagen is produced, while full results can last for up to two years.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, Thermage laser can cost anywhere from $3,500 to $4,500.

Clear and Brilliant

What it is:

Often referred to as the "baby Fraxel," the Clear and Brilliant treatment uses fractionated laser technology to create microscopic injuries in the treated zone and stimulate collagen production. "By triggering the body’s natural wound-healing process, the skin cell turnover rate is increased, sloughing off dead, pigmented cells to allow for new, healthy skin cells to be brought to the surface," says Dr. Green.

What it treats:

The Clear and Brilliant laser helps treat uneven skin tone and texture, fine lines, sunspots and sun damage, pore size, and acne scars.

Possible side effects:

Patients can experience some mild redness and swelling can occur after treatment, but Dr. Green says "these side effects are very temporary and typically last for only thirty minutes." She also notes that the skin might have a sandpaper texture afterward, but the right moisturizers and antioxidant serums can be applied to hydrate the skin.

How long do results last:

According to Dr. Green, the results can last for years, depending on the individual’s age, sun avoidance, and skincare. Typically, maintenance treatments are advised every three to six months to preserve results.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, one session of the face can cost around $600.


What it is:

Dr. Shirazi calls the Vbeam laser "a dermatologist’s workhorse as it treats many skin conditions and concerns." In layman's terms, it is a pulsed dye laser that uses micro-pulses of light to treat facial redness.

"With pulsed dye lasers, an organic dye is mixed in a solvent to create a lasing medium and produce visible laser light," says Dr. Green. "The light energy is absorbed by the dermis and epidermis and converted to heat, eliminating red pigmentation in skin cells and leaving the surrounding healthy skin cells unharmed."

What it treats:

The laser is effective on facial rosacea, broken capillaries, vascular lesions, acne scars, port-wine stains, and stretch marks. In addition to the face, it can be used almost anywhere on the body.

Possible side effects:

Individuals can experience some redness, irritation, or swelling after the treatment, but they will resolve on their own.

How long do results last:

While results are long-lasting (Dr. Shirazi estimates between two to five years), it all depends on lifestyle factors, genetics, and how well you take care of your skin. For best results, Dr. Green recommends five to six treatment sessions to attain ideal cosmetic results.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, a single session on one area of the body can cost anywhere between $300 and $,1500.

Halo Laser

What it is:

The Halo Laser is a resurfacing treatment that uses both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to smooth skin texture and wrinkles, treat scars, minimize pores, and remove pigmentation. "One laser goes deep to tighten the skin," says Dr. Shirazi, "while the other is more superficial to smooth the skin’s surface."

What it treats:

In addition to treating sagging skin, the Halo Laser works wonders on abnormal skin cells and pre-cancers, stimulating new healthy skin cells to replace damaged skin. The result is smoother, brighter, and overall healthier skin.

Possible side effects:

Redness and swelling are common side effects of the Halo Laser, while some individuals can experience little black dots called MENDs that fall off in three to six days.

"Avoiding the sun for the first week after treatment is important, as well as two to four weeks before your treatment," adds Dr. Shirazi.

How long do results last:

Results depend on lifestyle factors, genetics, and how well you take care of your skin, but Dr. Shirazi says you can expect skin to be in great shape between one to three years. Dr. Shirazi also recommends starting on a retinol six weeks before, as it will enhance results and allow for faster healing.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, a single session can cost anywhere between $1,000 to $1,600.


What it is:

Vivace is a minimally invasive laser treatment that relies on both radiofrequency energy and microneedling to improve skin tone and texture. "The microneedling device contains tiny, gold-tipped needles that create micro-channels on the surface of the skin to stimulate collagen production," explains Dr. Green. "Radiofrequency energy simultaneously heats up the inner layers of the skin to stimulate collagen in the dermis."

What it treats:

The treatment aims to minimize the look of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, pore size, hyperpigmentation, and loose skin.

Possible side effects:

The most common side effect of Vivace is mild redness in the treatment area, which resolves on its own within 24 hours. Less common side effects include swelling or pinpoint bleeding that resolve within 72 hours.

How long do results last:

For best results, maintenance sessions are recommended. Visible results typically show within three to seven days after one treatment; after three treatments, results can last up to five months as new collagen is produced.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, one treatment session for the face can cost around $1,500.

CO2 Laser

What it is:

Dr. Shirazi calls the Carbon Dioxide Laser "one of the most powerful ablative laser resurfacing treatments." It targets both the superficial and deep skin layers with laser beams to "stimulate the skin to form new collagen and vital skin structures to replace the old damaged skin."

"It’s truly regenerative," adds Dr. Shirazi. "Similar to how reptiles lose their tail and grow a new one, patients grow new skin that’s healthier, smoother, tighter, and brighter."

What it treats:

The CO2 Laser treats scars, wrinkles, texture, sun damage, brown spots, and age spots.

Possible side effects:

Individuals can experience temporary oozing, redness, swelling for three to seven days depending on the intensity.

How long do results last:

Results are long lasting, with Dr. Shirazi estimating between five to 12 years.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, a CO2 laser session can cost between $1,000 to $6,000, depending on the intensity and depth of treatment.

Alex TriVantage

What it is:

The Alex TriVantage laser is typically used to remove tattoos and treat sun and age spots, moles, and birthmarks. "The light energy is absorbed by melanin-rich lesions and transformed into heat energy, destroying the pigmentation to reveal healthy, new skin cells on the surface," says Dr. Green. "The laser treatment is discrete, removing pigmentation in specific areas without harming the surrounding skin."

What it treats:

The laser can be used on unwanted tattoos and hyperpigmentation, such as sun spots, freckles, and birthmarks. But Dr. Green notes, "while one session may be effective for removing sun spots, multiple sessions are generally needed for removing tattoos."

Possible side effects:

After a treatment session, small scabs will form in the treated areas. Dr. Green recommends applying a barrier repair, such as Aquaphor, and to refrain from makeup application in the treated area. The scabs generally take one week to heal completely.

Patients may also experience redness and tenderness, and temporary discoloration post-treatment. "Avoiding sun exposure to the area is crucial to protect from UV radiation damage that can lead to hyperpigmentation," adds Dr. Green.

How long do results last:

For sun spots, results are typically visible one to two weeks after a treatment session. For removal of birthmarks and unwanted tattoos, results are permanent after the required treatment sessions. Though, according to Dr. Green, multiple treatment sessions may be required depending on the skin concern being treated.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, a single session for one area of the body can cost anywhere from $1000 to $2000.

IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

What it is:

While IPL is technically not a laser, Dr. Shirazi considers it a major laser facial treatment: "It's a light device that uses broad spectrum light wavelengths in brief pulses to heat specific targets in the skin."

What it treats:

An IPL treatment helps with brown spots, sun spots, broken capillaries, discoloration, and weathering skin changes from sun exposure. Like many other laser treatments on the market, it also stimulates new collagen.

Possible side effects:

Some individuals might experience temporary swelling, redness, and lifting of sun spots that appear darker for a few days before falling off.

How long do results last:

While results are long-lasting (Dr. Shirazi estimates between one to three years), it all depends on lifestyle factors, genetics, and how well you take care of your skin. For visible results, Dr. Shirazi recommends three to five sessions.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Typically, a single session can cost anywhere from $500 to $950.

Alexandrite, Diode, or Nd:YAG

What it is:

These lasers are used for facial hair removal. According to Dr. Shirazi, the treatments are effective and can result in 70 to 90 percent of hair reduction.

What it treats:

The Alexandrite, Diode, or Nd: YAG are most effective on unwanted facial hair.

Possible side effects:

Some people can experience burning, scarring, swelling, redness, or an acne-like reaction following a session.

How long do results last:

Initially, multiple sessions are recommended every four to six weeks. These laser treatments are meant to deliver permanent hair reduction, but periodic touch-ups are required once a year or once every 2 years.


As with most treatments, the cost can depend on the area of the body being treated, geographic area of the office, and person performing the procedure. Depending on the area, a single treatment session can cost $100 to $700.

Do facial laser treatments hurt?

"Facial laser treatments can be uncomfortable; some may feel like rubber band snaps while others feel hot," says Dr. Shirazi, but overall, they aren't painful. Dr. Green notes a numbing cream can be applied to the treated area an hour before a treatment session to minimize any discomfort, while some laser devices emit a burst of cold air during treatment to make the procedure more tolerable.

Are at-home facial lasers effective?

"At-home facial lasers are generally lower in power than in-office lasers, reducing the risk of side effects," explains Dr. Green. "Typically, they provide subtle effects and require numerous treatment sessions to obtain optimal results. However, many individuals are extremely happy with the effects of using these at-home lasers. It is essential to conduct proper research before any purchase and to look for at-home facial lasers that are FDA-approved and safe to use for your skin condition and concerns."

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Sophie Dweck

Sophie Dweck is the associate shopping editor for Town & Country, where she covers beauty, fashion, home and décor, and more.

A Comprehensive Guide to Laser Facial Treatments (2024)
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