Contact & Housing FAQ (2024)

Is your question not answered on our web pages or in the FAQs below? Do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or visit our student services desk on Utrecht Science Parkduring opening hours.


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Reliability check

Some people try to take advantage of the high demand for housing and aim to scam you with a fake offer. Donot hesitate to e-mail usfor adviceif you are in doubt about the reliability. Kindly include information about the offer, the address, any photos, size, rent, and the reason why you are in doubt. Read more onhow to avoid scams.

Frequently asked housing questions

  • What to expect
  • Searching for housing
  • Reserved housing
  • Legal matters
  • Contact

What to expect

The availability ofstudent housingin Utrecht islimitedand inhigh demand.This makes finding housing is very difficult and time-consuming. If you plan to study at Utrecht Universitystart your searchseveral monthsin advanceto your arrival, even prior to your formal admission. Although it can increase your chances if you start your search early, this is not a guarantee.

The average rent in Utrecht is higher than in most other towns and cities in the Netherlands, and may also be higher than in your home country.It is very important that you calculate a realistic budget for housing. Besides that, also be aware that there are additional costs you pay when you rent that can be substantial, such as a deposit, down payment, fees etc.

Arriving in a foreign country without having arranged a place to stay can lead to a very stressful situation. Our students tell us that it is very difficult to keep putting time and effort into their search for housing once they have started their studies. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide but this is not a process we desire our students to go through. We therefore advise you to reconsider your enrolment if you haven’t found housing on time before the start of your studies in Utrecht. Please note that our education is on-campus by default and your attendance is required. That is why it is not possible to do your exchange online from abroad.

If you decide to cancel your exchange there are various matters that you need to look into. Please contact your Utrecht University exchange coordinator to cancel your exchange and, if applicable, your visa. Contact information can be foundhere. Also inform your home university if you decide to cancel your exchange.

More info on what to expect

Searching for housing

Unlike to what you might be used to, Dutch universities do not own student housing. As a student, you yourself are responsible for arranging your housing. Utrecht University does not have the capacity to match students with listings on the private market, nor can we find housing on your behalf.We do aim to inform you best we can about housing and provide the information that may help you during your search.

For new international students who meet the conditions, Utrecht University offers a Reserved Accommodation Programme for new international students, but this is limited. If you do not manage to reserve housing this way, or if you are not eligible to apply, you have to find housing on your own.

No, it is not necessarily easier to search for housing while you are in Utrecht. Instead, it can lead to a very stressful situation if you arrive without housing. It is also very difficult to keep putting time and effort into your search once you started your studies. We therefore advise you toreconsider your enrolmentif you have not found housing before the start of your studies in Utrecht.

There is a shortage of all types of housing in the Netherlands. For housing offers that are suitable for more than one tenant (such as family housing and apartments), landlords usually prefer a working couple over students as tenants. Most student housing offers therefore come on the market for one tenant only. Besides that, house or flat sharing as a group is not always alloweddue tolocal regulations. Because of these reasons searching with a group or as a pair rarely works out.

There are no no-go areas in Utrecht. Students live all over the city and in surrounding towns as well. It is also not advised to focus on just some areas - as this decreases your chances of finding a place. Instead, include all areas and also search in surrounding towns like Zeist, Maarssen, Houten, Nieuwegein, De Bilt, Bilthoven etc. to increase your chances.

Some people try to take advantage of the high demand for housing and aim to scam you with a fake offer. Learn more on how to recognise a scam and which safety measures to take into account when you search for housing online.

Are you in doubt about the reliability of an offer? Feel free to contact us for advice. Kindly send us an e-mail via with any information you have about the offer, such as a link to the ad, address, any photos, size, rent, contact you have had with the advertiser etc.

On our website you can learn more onhow to recognise a scam and which safety measures to take into account. If you still have doubts about the reliability of an offeryou are always welcome tocontact us for advice Make sure to include as much information as possible about the ad, landlordor advertiser,any photos, and theaccommodation whenyou contact us.

More info on ways to find housing and matters to take into account during your search

Reserved Accommodation Programme

Dutch universities do not own housing. Utrecht University does offer a Reserved Accommodation Programme with furnished rooms and studios for new international students who meet the requirements.

Important to know:

  • The housing is reserved:Because the housing is not owned by Utrecht University, contracts are between the tenant and housing provider
  • The housing is limited:Booking is on first come, first served basis. Finding housing via this programme is not guaranteed
  • Fixed rental periods:It is not possible to stay longer or shorteror cancel the agreement prematurely


You need to meet several conditions to be able to apply for the UU Reserved Accommodation Programme. Read more about the programme and the conditions.

No, the Reserved Accommodation Programme does not have an age limit to apply.

No, this is not possible. The Dutch Rent Act only allows one temporary rental agreement to be issued by a lessor to a tenant. Therefore it is not possible to extend your rental agreement, nor can you rent a different accommodation with SSH Short Stay. This also applies if you are looking to extend your exchange by another semester; you will have to find accommodation yourself.

Registration and booking

Registration and booking for Exchange students starts in May/June 2024.More information and when to apply for Exchange students

Once booking opens, the accommodation is rented out on first come, first served basis. You are advised not to postpone this to a later date or time. Still, even if you keep to the application date and time, there is a chance that you will not be able to arrange housing via the Reserved Accommodation Programme. Keep this in mind andalso explore other options beforehand.

No, when booking opens it is not allowed to apply for more than one roomor studiothat is part ofthe Reserved Accommodation Programme. Any added applications for housing that is part of the Reserved Accommodation Programme will not be approved by Utrecht University.

Cancellation of an agreement with SSH Short Stay prior to the rental period is possibleuntil four weeks prior to the intended start of the rental period. Cancellation can be requested via e-mail only ( If you have atimely cancellation request you will be refunded the down payment minus the reservation fee of 90 eurosand minus a cancellation fee of 85 euros. If you submit an untimely request for cancellation, or if you fail to show after the rental period has started, the rental contract will be terminated and you will not be refunded thedown payment.

All housing part of the UU Reserved Accommodation Programme is very popular and books up quick. Because the overall number of reserved rooms and studios is limited, and finding housing this way is not guaranteed, you may have to search for housing on your own. This can be difficult and time consuming but the right preparation can increase your chances.

We aim to inform you to best of our abilities about finding housing on your own, and offertips andtricks on our website.

Costs and rent

Details on the rent and booking costs can be found on theReserved Accommodationpage.

You can find more general information on the average costs for (reserved) student housing on this page.

This is not possible. Reserved accommodation only offers housing with fixed start and end dates. You are responsible for the rent payments for the full duration of your contract.The booking conditions are:

  • If you reserve accommodation you pay the rent per the fixed start date of the contracteven if you arrive later in the semester, regardless of the reasons for late arrival
  • Your reservation cannot be deferred to a later moment

For Exchange students, the rental period of the contracts are fixed on one semester (5 months) or 2 semesters (10 months).Cancellation of the contract is not possible, unless in case of limited, specific circ*mstances that are specified in the Terms and Conditions that apply to the rental contract. If you are looking for accommodation for a shorter time frame, for example because you are planning to conduct research or do an internship abroad, it is not possible to book this accommodation.

More information on the rental periods


The Reserved Accommodation Programme for Exchange students does not offer options for couples. There are also no offers for students that bring their family or child(ren). If you are searching for housing that is suitable for a family, please read ourtips and tricksthat may help you find housing on your own.

If you manage to book via the Reserved Accommodation Programme, this is always an individual booking. It is not possible to submit a joint application with your friend(s).

The housing providers of the Reserved Accommodation Programme do not allow pets. If you are searching for housing that is suitable for pets, please consult other ways to find housing. Be aware that finding student housing that allows pets adds an extra difficulty to your search and limits your chances.

More info on the Reserved Accommodation Programme

Legal matters

You may have a question about your rental contract or tenant rights. Utrecht University is not liable to provide legal advice about this. There are, however, several organisations that provide free legal support to students on Housing related matters:

  • Vidius Utrecht (closed July until September)
    Vidius Utrechtis a student run organisation that provides free legal assistance to students.For up to date contact informationplease see theVidius website
  • Rechtswinkel Utrecht
    Rechtswinkel Utrecht is a student run organisation that provides free legal advice about various matters. For up to date contact info please see theRechtswinkel website
  • Dutch Student Union
    The Dutch Student Unionoffers a helpline that aims toanswer anylegal questions or problems.For up to date contact informationplease see theLSVbwebsite
  • Huurteam Utrecht
    Huurteam Utrecht offers free advice and help if you have issues regarding maintenance, your service costs and/or rent, or if you are facing intimidation by your landlord.For up to date contact information please see thewebsiteof Huurteam Utrecht

It is possible to have your rent (re)assessed even after you have come to an agreement with a landlord.Huurteam Utrecht can help you with your case or you can ask them for more information about the procedures.For up to date contact information please see thewebsiteof Huurteam Utrecht

If you are staying for more than four months in the Netherlands, you are legally required to go to the city council and register as a new resident. This is a mandatory procedure irrespective of your nationality or purpose of stay.Not all landlords allow registration. This may be, for example, because they do not have the correct permit to rent out the accommodation.

City registration and health care

You require a registration with the municipality on a legal address, documented by a proof of tenancy such as a rental agreement, for access to health care, a General Physician, and the Dutch vaccination programme. Because of thisit is very important to search for legal housing where registration is possible.Click herefor more information on the importance ofCity Registration.

  • Return to main menu: Finding Housing
Contact & Housing FAQ (2024)


What items are prohibited in USC housing? ›

In addition, the following items may not be used in university housing: “glow in the dark” stickers, contact paper (except in drawers), torchiere halogen lamps, decorative lights, candles, barbecues or hibachis (in rooms or on balconies), hot plates, toaster ovens, or other cooking appliances in rooms without kitchens.

How many years does USC guarantee housing? ›

Guaranteeing four years of on-campus housing does not mean USC will have to build enough buildings to house every undergraduate student enrolled. Inevitably, some local students will choose to commute from home and others will choose to live in surrounding off-campus housing.

How do I cancel my CPP housing contract? ›

How do I cancel my Housing contract before I move in? You may request to cancel your Housing License Agreement by submitting the online form on your Housing Portal account at least 45 days prior to the beginning of the occupancy period.

Is housing guaranteed at UC Riverside? ›

All single, first-year freshmen students who meet all Housing deadlines are guaranteed a space in the Residence Halls.

Can you room with the opposite gender at USC? ›

Gender inclusive housing allows students, regardless of gender identity/expression or biological/legal sex, to be assigned to the same room in one of the gender-inclusive designated 2-bedroom, 4-person spaces within the following apartment communities: Rainbow Community (located in Century Apartments), Cardinal Gardens ...

What are quiet hours for USC housing? ›

“Quiet Hours” start at 10:00 PM and continue until 7:00 AM the next morning. Social gatherings that take place after 10:00 PM in the housing facilities require the approval of the CSC for that area in advance of the event. Such gatherings must take place in a location away from sleeping quarters.

Is USC housing first come first serve? ›

Housing is assigned first-come, first-served according to application date.

What is the USC housing benefit? ›

The USC Neighborhood Homeownership Program provides eligible employees with monthly payments totaling $50,000 or 20% of the homes purchase price (whichever is less) over a seven-year period. The stipend will be evenly allocated.

How much is USC housing per year? ›

Estimated yearly living expenses for 2023-2024, (two semesters of rent, default required full meal plans and optional parking) range from $19,541 to $21,785 for the more common suite and residence hall double room types.

How do I drop out of CPP? ›

Students can withdraw between the 11th and 20th day of class via BroncoDirect and receive a W. Students with serious and compelling reasons to withdraw after the 20th day through the 12th week of instruction must complete the Withdrawal for Serious and Compelling Reasons form to earn a W.

What size are the beds at CPP? ›

Room Furnishings

Each student in a single, double or triple occupancy room will have the following furnishings provided: Extra long twin size bed (36" x 80") Desk and chair. Dresser.

Can I cancel my CPP? ›

You can cancel your CPP retirement pension up to 12 months after you start receiving it. You must request the cancellation in writing. You must also pay back all of the CPP income you've received. To cancel your benefit, contact Service Canada.

What is the best dorm at UC Riverside? ›

Best and Worst Dorms at UC Riverside
  • The best dorm at UC Riverside is undoubtedly Dundee. ...
  • The second-best dorm, in my opinion, is a tie between Pentland and Lothian, depending on your living preferences. ...
  • Another downside to Pentland is that it doesn't have a dining hall.
Jun 24, 2021

What is special about UC Riverside? ›

Beyond these innovative supportive programs, UCR is the first UC campus to offer a Native American history Ph. D., the first university in California to offer an LGBT studies minor, and the first university in the world to have an endowed American Indian chair.

What is UC Riverside best for? ›

The most popular majors at University of California, Riverside include: Social Sciences; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Psychology; Engineering; Visual and Performing Arts; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Mathematics and ...

What items can you not have in your dorm? ›

  • Toaster.
  • Waffle Iron.
  • Bike.
  • Pets*
  • Alcohol Containers.
  • Candles.
  • Thumbtack (On the Wall)
  • Bed Risers.

Can I bring a bag to USC game? ›

Approved Bags

Clear plastic, vinyl or PVC bags that do not exceed 12″ x 6″ x 12″ — A logo no larger than 4.5″ x 3.4″ can be displayed on one side of a permissible clear bag.

Is pepper spray allowed at USC? ›

Pepper spray is generally considered a defensive weapon, which is also prohibited on campus.” This policy differs significantly from other schools in surrounding areas, such as UCLA and Pepperdine, which both allow students to carry pepper spray as a self-defense mechanism in compliance with California law.

Is alcohol allowed on USC campus? ›

The consumption of alcoholic beverages in a public place (unless licensed for consumption of alcohol on the premises) is prohibited. This includes a prohibition of alcoholic beverages in public areas of academic facilities, recreation fields, university housing corridors and lounges.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.