I’m PinkyDoll, the most popular NPC creator on TikTok. I don’t care about the haters — they’re just jealous I’m making money and they’re not.
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NPC TikTok creator Fedha Sinon, who goes by "PinkyDoll." Foto: Courtesy of Fedha Sinon
- Fedha Sinon is a TikTok creator who goes by the name"PinkyDoll" to her 1 million followers.
- A glitch in a stream led her to start the NPC trend while responding to monetary gifts on live.
- By livestreaming every day since, she set herself up for a better life for her and her family.
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with 27-year-old Fedha Sinon, also known as the viral TikTok creator "PinkyDoll," who's based in Montreal, Québec. Sinon claims to make several thousands a day from her livestreams, but she did not show Insider documentation to verify this claim. The conversation was conducted through a translator. It has been edited for length and clarity.
"Mm, ice cream so good, yes yes yes. Gang gang. Pop pop pop pop."
Do those words ring a bell? I wouldn't be surprised, because I've gone viral for my TikTok videos — and made a great living for my family in the process.
I'm a TikTok creator who goes by the name PinkyDoll, which I chose because I love the color pink and I look like a doll. I first made my account last summer, and I started doing the NPC TikTok trend by accident a few months ago.
Before this took off, I was a stay-at-home mom and an aspiring influencer. When I was doing a livestream one day, my connection cut out, which made the video glitch. Someone commented, "omg, you look like an NPC."
So I leaned into the idea of playing an NPC, or non-player character — an extra character in a video game who is there to fill out the fantasy world. I kept doing it in my videos, and it paid off.
Now, I have 1.1 million followers on TikTok, and I'm able to support my family on income earned through my livestreams. Here's how I do it.
Through livestreams, users can send TikTok sticker gifts
PinkyDoll livestreaming on TikTok. Foto: @pinkydollreal
The gifts look like emojis and come in the form of roses, dinosaurs, tiny buckets of popcorn, and ice-cream cones. The gifts cost money for users to send — for example, an ice-cream cone costs $0.01, a dinosaur costs $0.13 and a hat-and-mustache emoji costs $1.31.
I have a catchphrase associated with each one. When someone sends an ice-cream cone, I say, "mm, ice cream so good," which has become my most famous catchphrase. My favorite one to say is "yee-haw, yes, got me feeling like a cowgirl." It's just so fun.
I spend about six hours a day doing livestreams and making content. My other videos bring in a little income, but nowhere near as much as my NPC livestreams.
It's like a full-time job. I don't get tired while doing it because I see the views going up, and all the gifts I'm getting make me energetic. I get lost playing as my NPC.
I know that some people think this is fetish content, but that's not why I started
I was just looking for something new I could do on TikTok, and there are even rules on the platform about how sexual you can be. But honestly, if people want to consider it fetish content, that's fine by me. They're only saying that because I have a great body and I look great, so people consider it a fetish. I'm getting paid either way.
Within my 1.1 million followers, I even have celebrity fans. At one point, Timbaland was my top fan. I didn't see that coming.
Haters have said my fame and virality are a sign of the fall of society, but I don't care
They're just jealous I'm making money and they're not. I don't care about the haters at all because my life is just beginning.
I decided to expand into music, and my first single dropped on August 10. It's called "Ice Cream So Good" and was released in collaboration with Fashion Nova. And for anyone who's hating — go ahead. I'm making money no matter what.
Sinon released a single with Fashion Nova on August 10. Foto: Courtesy of Fedha Sinon
I didn't have an easy childhood, and I'm a single mom who's found a way to provide for my family. My plan was never to be famous — my plan was to make money to support my family. But it just so happened that I got famous, too. Why hate on that?
What's important to me is that my son is going to have a beautiful life
He isn't going to have the stress that I had growing up. I know what it's like to grow up with nothing, and I'm going to make sure he doesn't.
The way my life has changed is beautiful. I never thought any of this was possible. I'm in such a better position to take care of my family than I was before TikTok, which is such a relief.
I love that other creators are getting in on it, too, and doing their own NPC streams. I'm not the kind of person who wants to keep success only to herself. I want everyone to get in on it.
Read the original article on Business Insider
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